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The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology&Dermatology Bulletin

发布人:陶晴 发布时间:2018/08/24 20:13:31  浏览次数:


Aims & Scope

The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology (CJDV) and Dermatology Bulletin(DB), as the leading journals of the specialty in dermatology, publishes high quality scientific articles underlying originality and uniqueness.Broad topics covering the entire scope of dermatology, including but not limited tooriginal, in-depth findings of laboratory studies and updated management and treatment of skin disease, are appreciated for submission. All of the accepted articles shall becarefully peer-reviewed by editors and the editorial board in a timely manner, and irradiative feedback will be given to each author. The crucial criteria for publication are novelty, clarity, experimental integrity, and most importantly, we firmly standon thezero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.

History& Mission

The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology (ISSN 1001-7089, CN 61-1197/R) was co-founded by Ministry of Health and previous Xi’an Medical University in 1987.Dermatology Bulletin (ISSN2096-4382, CN 61-1513/R) founded in 1984. After the reorganization in 2000, CJDVand DB are presently organized by Xi’an Jiaotong University and supervised by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Based on the solid foundation, the journals aim to disseminate scientific knowledge of dermatologic care andprovide good services for multiple stakeholders.

  • For authors, CJDV and DBaim to provide anexpeditious, reliable and fair peer-review service focused on facilitating the development of their critical thinking.

  • For readers, CJDV and DB aim to deliver the highest quality of clinical and experimental research and provide evidence-based recommendations to improve patient outcomes.

  • For sponsors, CJDV and DB aim to offer various marketing plans which guarantee substantial profits from the investments.

  • CJDV and DB recognize the invaluable role of reviewers in safeguarding the integrity of content and aims to acknowledge fully their contribution.



Sections in The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology

  • Specialists’ review, Monographic report, Laboratory investigation, Clinical investigation, Clinical Report, Meta-analysis, Sexually transmitted disease, Reviews, Experience sharing, Treatment of Chinese Medicine, Dermatologic surgery Techniques and method, Medicine and clinical application, Case report.

Sections in Dermatology Bulletin

  • The journal is bimonthly and each issue carry out one single special subject that is relevant to dermatology. So far, we      have accomplished the following subjects: psoriasis and medical application, TCM cosmetology, skin barrier function, fungal infection, systemic lupus erythematosus, Nail, skin imaging research, etc. Professors and scholars who are willing to be the executive vice chief editor in one specific area, please do not hesitate to contact uscjdv09@126.com.


  Chinese Databases

  • Core Journals of China

  • Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)

  • Source Journals for China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD)

  • Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database

  • Chinese Journal Full-text Database

  • China Biomedical Database (CBM)

  • CNKI database, Wanfang database

  International Databases

  • American Chemical Abstracts (CA), United States

  • Index of Copernicus (IC), Poland

  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, United States

  • Centre Agriculture Bioscience International (CABI), United Kingdom

Editorial Staff

Editor in chief: XIAO Shengxiang

Managing DirectorMA Huiqun

EditorsTANG Yae, WANG Juan, DONG Yan, ZHENG Wen

English Editor: WANG Wanfen

Technical EditorWU Jianjun. CHEN Jigang


More information please visit our homepage: http://pfxbxzz.paperopen.co

版权所有:西安交通大学期刊中心    设计制作:西安交通大学网络信息中心

地址:陕西省西安市长安区高桥街道西安交通大学创新港1号巨构2层2104室   邮编:712046    次数统计: